Detail kurzu
Kubernetes Security Essentials (LFS260) + CKS Exam Bundle
EDU Trainings s.r.o.
Popis kurzu
This course exposes you to knowledge and skills needed to maintain security in dynamic, multi-project environments. This course addresses security concerns for cloud production environments and covers topics related to the security container supply chain, discussing topics from before a cluster has been configured through deployment, and ongoing, as well as agile use, including where to find ongoing security and vulnerability information. The course includes hands-on labs to build and secure a Kubernetes cluster, as well as monitor and log security events.
Obtaining a CKS demonstrates a candidate possesses the requisite abilities to secure container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime, and is qualified to perform these tasks in a professional setting.
Obtaining a CKS demonstrates a candidate possesses the requisite abilities to secure container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime, and is qualified to perform these tasks in a professional setting.
Obsah kurzu
Chapter 1. Course IntroductionChapter 2. Cloud Security Overview
Chapter 3. Preparing to Install
Chapter 4. Installing the Cluster
Chapter 5. Securing the kube-apiserver
Chapter 6. Networking
Chapter 7. Workload Considerations
Chapter 8. Issue Detection
Chapter 9. Domain Review
Cieľová skupina
A Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) is an accomplished Kubernetes practitioner (must be CKA certified) who has demonstrated competence on a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime.
Na dotaz.
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