Detail kurzu

Probability Surveys 1: Design, Descriptive Statistics, and Analysis

EDU Trainings s.r.o.

Popis kurzu

This course focuses on designing business and household surveys and analyzing data collected under complex survey designs. The course addresses the SAS procedures POWER, SURVEYSELECT, SURVEYMEANS, SURVEYFREQ, SURVEYREG, SURVEYLOGISTIC, and SURVEYIMPUTE. In addition, the graphing procedures GPLOT, SGPLOT, and SGPANEL are also covered.

Obsah kurzu

Survey Designsimple random samplingstratified random samplingprobability proportional to size samplingChromy's minimal replacement samplingtwo-stage cluster samplingEstimating Descriptive Statisticsexpansion (Horvitz-Thompson) estimationregression estimationratio estimationAnalytical Uses of Survey Datalinear regression and ANOVAcontingency table analysisbinary logistic regressiondomain analysis model assessment

Cieľová skupina

Survey statisticians, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, data analysts, and/or social scientists who design, and analyze data from, complex probability surveys
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