Detail kurzu
Príprava na Oracle certifikáciu pre Java Programátorov (1Z0-803, 1Z0-804, 1Z0-805)
IT Experts, s.r.o
Popis kurzu
Cieľom kurzu je previesť poslucháča témami, ktoré sú vyžadované pre úspešné zvládnutie Java certifikácie. Kurz ponúka prípravu na skúšky 1Z0–803, 1Z0–804 a 1Z0–805. Kurz sa zameriava aj na rôzne chytáky a pasce, ktoré sú zakomponované do Oracle testov.
Obsah kurzu
Kurz je flexibilný a jemožné ho prispôsobiť podľa typu Oracle testu (1Z0–803, 1Z0–804 a 1Z0–805).
Obsah kurzu:
- Java Intro: installation, configuration, key features, technologies
- Java Basics: Java classes, packages, access modifiers, source files, executable applications
- Java Data Types: primitive variables, identifiers, reference variables, operators
- Methods and Encapsulation: scope of variables, object's lifecycle, constructors and methods, method overloading, accessing object fields, encapsulation
- String, StringBuilder, Array and ArrayList: String class, mutable StringBuilder, Array and ArrayList, comparing objects
- Flow Control: if and if-else, switch statement, for loop, while and do-while, loops, loop statements break and continue
- Inheritance: inheritance and classes, interface, reference variable and object types, usage of super, polymorphism
- Exception and Assertions: exceptions and errors in Java, throwing a exception, handling a exception, common exception classes, single catch block, try-with-resources, test invariants using assertions
- Java Class Design: access modifiers, overridden and overloaded methods, casting and instance of operator
- Advanced Class Design: abstract classes, static and final keywords, enumerated types
- OOP Design Principles: interfaces implementation, cohesion and low-coupling, IS-A and HAS-A relationships, Singleton, DAO and Factory patterns
- Generics and Collections: generic class, raw and generic collections, wrapper classes, autoboxing and unboxing, Lists, Sets, Maps, java.util.Comparator,sorting and searching arrays and lists
- String Processing: search, parse and build strings, regular expressions, string formatting
- Java I/O Fundamentals: read and write from the console, streams, read and write to files
- Java File I/O and NIO.2: file and directory paths, check, delete, copy, move file or directory, manipulate file and directory attributes, watch directory for changes
- Database Access with JDBC: core JDBC API, database queries, read results from database, PrepareStatement and CallableStatement
- Threads: the Thread class and Runnable interface, thread lifecycle, synchronization of threads
- Concurrency: collections and java.util.concurrent package, locks, executors, Callable and Future, thread pools, Fork/Join framework
- Localization: Locale object, resource bundles, formatting dates, numbers and currency values, advantage of localization, language and country codes
Cieľová skupina
Kurz je určený pre začínajúcich, ale aj pokročilejších Java vývojárov, ktorí uvažujú o Oracle Java SE 7 certifikácii (1Z0–803, 1Z0–804, 1Z0–805).
Podobné kurzy
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